Results of APMC Spring 2020

The APMC Spring 2020 was held on May 24, 2020, for all medical students in North America (USA and Canada) and 42 students from more than 14 universities participated in the competition..

The top ranks are:

First rank: Niklaus Evitt, UPenn

  • Niklaus Evitt, UPenn

  • Second rank: Wan Hsiang Chen, Quinnipiac University

  • Wan Hsiang Chen, Quinnipiac University

  • Third rank: Amanda Plein, University of North Texas

  • Amanda Plein, University of North Texas

  • Results of APMC Spring 2019

    The first APMC (Spring 2019) was held on June 9, 2019, only for Rowan medical students and 32 students participated in the competition..

    The top ranks are:

    First rank: Kelvin Soewono, Rowan University

  • Kelvin Soewono, Rowan University

  • Second rank: Young Daniel Cho, Rowan University

  • Young Daniel Cho, Rowan University

  • Third rank: Mohammed Ali, Rowan University

  • Mohammed Ali, Rowan University